Pretty on the Inside

Slutkiss girls won't you promise her smack
is she pretty on the inside?
is she pretty from the back?

Pretty on the Inside, Hole


(I was originally going to title this "teenage whore" and quote those lyrics (because we listened to it while we were shooting) but i figured that was a bit much for a blog title... look at me censoring myself haha)

SO. This is Barbara. If you've followed me for awhile you may have seen her once or twice. I met her when I went to school at the Art Institute in Seattle. She was in my public speaking class. I absolutely dreaded that class when I signed up, but thank goodness I went. I always thought she was very pretty and was an excellent artist (I'd catch her doodling in class). When I had a project for my lighting class, I asked her to model for me. The catch: I wanted her to be nude. And she was totally down for it. How cool is that? Anyway, we shot, I got good grades on my project, and then I dropped out and moved away. We kept in touch, and I was able to photograph her a couple years ago as well. Last Saturday she came down from Seattle before she makes her big move to New Mexico and from there LA/NYC... It makes me sad because she is one of my favorite people to photograph - she's already photogenic, yes, but her vivid personality really shines through and I always have a good time hanging out with her. 

We did a couple different kinds of shoots... so forgive me for these edits being ALL OVER THE PLACE. It's what happens when I get too ambitious, listen to rock and roll, and just go crazy. I am putting each shoot into different galleries; the photos that contain nudity will be in a click-through gallery.

Kristin Hayes1 Comment